The UK’s Most Popular Beer Revealed

The relationship between Brits and a nice cold beer is well documented. Considering the local pub is a cornerstone of community life, it’s no surprise that beer holds a special place in Britain’s heart. 

To tap into the nation’s taste buds, we conducted a study using YouGov ratings to find our favourability and fame scores and Google trends data to find our trend score. By adding these together, we have uncovered Britain’s most popular beer brand, our research reveals the top pints that Brits are raising a glass to in 2024.

 Key Findings:

  • San Miguel takes the crown as the UK’s most popular beer, thanks to its impressive 61% favourability score, 8 points higher than second place Corona.
  • Guinness has surged in popularity in recent years, with sales skyrocketing, but its trend score let it down for our total popularity score, and the pride of Ireland ends up in 5th place. Maybe Guinness fans aren’t big Googlers.
  • Corona is the trendiest beer in the UK, with it being the most searched beer brand in the UK over the past 12 months, but is let down by an average favourability score.

Cerveza Celebration as San Miguel Crowned UK’s Most Popular Beer

Popularity Score
San Miguel 95% 61% 60 216
Corona 93% 48% 70 211
Heineken 98% 45% 61 204
Stella 97% 47% 59 203
Guinness 98% 53% 49 200
Peroni 85% 44% 67 196
Kronenbourg 89% 41% 64 194
Budweiser 97% 46% 44 187
Moretti 65% 39% 65 169
  • Moretti may have a cult following but it isn’t loved by the masses. It comes in last place out of our nine competitors thanks to its fame score and favourability score being at the bottom. Just 39% of people in the UK have a positive opinion on the Italian lager.
  • Heineken is the 2nd most recognisable beer brand in the UK, but only 45% of people have a favourable opinion of the Dutch lager, meaning it can only manage 3rd place.
  • Budweiser is an instantly recognisable brand, making it joint second for percentage of people who have heard of it, but has comfortably the lowest trend score of our nine beers and a middling favourability score, leaving it in 8th.
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Which Beer Brand is the Most Trending Online?

These were the top 3 most searched beer brands on Google in the past 12 months:

Trend Score.png

Best served with a lime, Corona has become synonymous with the British summer and is top of the pile when it comes to trends.

 It’s hugely popular ‘every golden moment’ campaign during the Paris Olympics would have helped it’s high trend score, as well as the brand’s success in creating short-form content for TikTok and Youtube Shorts.

Which Beer Brand is the Most Well-Known?

These are the top three most recognised beer brands in the UK, using YouGov Ratings data. Fame Score is defined by the % of people who have heard of a beer brand.

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It’s no surprise to see Guinness at the top of the list when it comes to fame rating. The unmistakable Irish stout has become one the nation’s biggest beer brands.

A whopping 98% of British adults know about Guinness, and the other 2% must not spend any time in their local.

Heineken shares the spoils with the black stuff, likely due to it being an official sponsor of the UEFA Champions League and Formula 1.

Which Beer Brand has the Highest Favourability Numbers?

These are the top three most favoured beer brands in the UK, using YouGov Ratings data. Favourability Score is defined by the % of people who have a positive opinion of a beer brand.

Favourability Score.png

San Miguel is miles ahead of the competition when it comes to favourability. It’s the largest selling beer in the Philippines and Hong Kong and is loved by Brits, highlighted by the fact 61% of people in this country have a positive opinion of it.


Using survey data from, we gathered data on the percentage of people surveyed that were aware of each brand of beer, giving us our ‘fame score’ and what percentage of those surveyed had a positive opinion on each beer brand, giving us our ‘favourability score’. This was done using YouGov’s ratings tool.

We also used Google Trends data to see which beer brand had been searched the most on Google over the past 12 months to give us our ‘trend score’.

We added these three numbers together to give us our overall ‘total popularity score’, allowing us to crown the UKs most popular beer.

Data collected for all sections was sourced on 1/09/2024.

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