Aries Tops the List for Luckiest Zodiac Sign in New Study

An exclusive new study from Slotswise has set out to discover which zodiac signs have luck on their side. Analysing responses from 1000 participants, the study highlights which star signs seem to enjoy the most fortuitous moments and which signs experience luck less frequently.

SlotsWise Zodiac Smll 2 scaled

Who experiences luck most often?

Who believes their star sign influences their luck the most?

Key Findings

Aries’ bold and ambitious nature is shown by them having by far the most people saying they experience luck “Very Often.” Aries are natural born leaders, so it’s no surprise to see them at the top of this list – maybe the saying that ‘you make your own luck’ is true after all!

Pisces is the unluckiest star sign with 12% of respondents stating they “Never” experience luck, and only 7% feeling lucky “Very Often”.

Perhaps unsurprisingly, Pisces are also the least likely to believe their star sign influences their luck, with just 12% saying this is the case.

The same correlation is true at the other end of the scale. Aries are the biggest believers, with 63% saying their zodiac influences how lucky they are, and also the luckiest, with 49% saying they are lucky “Very Often”.

Aquarius shows a unique distribution, with 31% feeling lucky “Often,” but only 3% experiencing lucky moments “Very Often.” And though a sizable 40% of Aquarians say they “Sometimes” encounter luck, only 23% of them believe their sign has any influence on it. This is consistent with Aquarians’ more analytical and independent nature. 

The confident and dominant Leo is of course high on the list for luckiest star sign, always the centre of attention. They had the second highest amount of responders say they are lucky “Very Often”, with 38%.

Taureans enjoy relaxed and serene environments, and as the most chilled out star sign, it makes sense that their responses fell mostly down the middle. Only 3% say they are “Never” lucky, but only 14% say they are lucky “Very Often.” They had the most responders saying they only experience luck “Sometimes”, with 53%. 

There were zero Sagittariuses that said they “Never” experience luck, but only 9% said they are lucky “Very Often”, highlighting their balanced and harmonious nature. 

Gemini also had no responders say they are never lucky, but unlike Sagittarius, they had a high number of responders say they are lucky “Very Often” (38%). Perhaps their curious nature leads them into situations where they are more likely to get the rub of the green.

Librans love of balance is on full display with 43% saying they are “Sometimes” lucky, and an even split between those that said they had lucky moments “Often” and “Very Often”.

Capricorn may be the last Earth sign of the Zodiac, but they are slap bang in the middle when it comes to who’s luckiest at 16%.

The empathetic and caring Cancer is probably far more concerned about how others fare when it comes to luck, but they had the second highest number of people saying they are “Never” lucky (8%) and one of the lowest amounts of “Very Lucky” responders. Maybe it’s time to check in on your super supportive Cancer friends.Virgos are famously meticulous and detail oriented, so much so that they don’t really want luck to come into the equation. Even so, 31% say they are lucky “Very Often”.

Leo’s most likely to get bird poop on them – but is this good or bad luck?

There’s some debate as to whether being pooped on by a bird is a sign of good luck, or just a rubbish thing to happen to you. Leos may be ruled by the Sun, but they should keep an eye on what’s underneath it, as 30% of Leo responders say they’ve had this happen to them. 

Pisces can have a tendency to overthink things and don’t mind being on their own, so their more reclusive nature could be keeping them out of harm’s way from our flying friends, with only 9% saying they have had a bird poop on them.

The full list is here:

Which Star Sign is most likely to have a bird poop on them?

  1. Leo – 30%
  2. Gemini – 27%
  3. Aries – 23% 
  4. Cancer 22%
  5. Taurus – 19%
  6. Virgo – 19%
  7. Scorpio – 18%
  8. Capricorn – 18%
  9. Aquarius – 14%
  10. Libra – 13%
  11. Sagittarius – 12%
  12. Pisces – 9%


In September 2024, we surveyed 1000 people about their star sign and how lucky they believe they are. The representative sample was 46% male and 54% female. 

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 Matthew Banks

Written by Matthew Banks
